
About Us

About Us

Non Denominational Bible believing Spirit filled Church

The Body Of Jesus Christ Church is a Non Denominational Bible believing Spirit filled Church . We believe in the indwelling of The Holy Ghost and that God requires submission to His Word. We teach from the King James Bible and help many people with addictions to Same Sex perversion, gender issues , pornography, drugs , alcohol and marijuana addictions

These things are all against the will of God and must be addressed. The Bible clearly states we must be born again and that without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

The Body Of Jesus Christ Church is very active in prison ministry all over the state of Ohio visiting and ministering to hundreds of incarcerated inmates every month . The Church also provides 2 nursing homes with Bible studies once a month

Our Vision

It is Bishop Robert Purk's vision to prepare a Body of believers who are prepared, matured and disciplined ready to meet the Lord Jesus for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb . In other Words getting people ready to meet the One True and Living God.

Come experience Church the right way and the real way that God intended it to be. Come get taught correct doctrine and become genuinely established in Biblical Truth and get out of those false Churches in Jesus name.